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Cookies & Privacy

This site does not use any cross-site tracking cookies and it does not store any personal data, unless you agreed to such when submitting a form.

Functional cookies

Not all cookies are evil and a few are needed to make this website work correctly and provide security. For these reasons, you may see the following functional cookies in your browser's local storage:

  • XSRF-TOKEN: A unique key that ensures any form submissions have originated from this website. This cookie does not track you in any way.

  • _session: This Laravel cookie allows the site to share error messages and responses between pages. It cannot be connected to any of your personal data and it is discarded as soon as you close this website on your internet browser.

  • __cfduid: Helps CloudFlare detect malicious visitors to this website and minimises the blocking of legitimate users. This cookie does not track your movements between sites and there is no way for this website to match the cookie to any of your personal data.

Experts in the design, manufacturing & installation of electric gates

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Dublin Gate Automation Limited
Electric Gate Specialists Serving Dublin
CRO No. 685498
PSA No. 07918​

Contact Richard
087 0664146
[email protected]

Cookies & Privacy
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